Download the free PDF book of I Am Not by Yvonne Nelson here.
Yvonne Nelson, a Ghanaian actor and cum fiction writter, has finally written and premiered her debut story, which is titled “I Am Not Yvonne Nelson” and is available as a full book PDF for free download. Find out more about it down below!
Not That I Am Yvonne Nelson is an exciting and gripping narrative of a young lady who sets off on an adventure to discover who she is, only to find out that she has been living with a false name all along. With the exception of the fact that the main character, who is an actress, is dealing with a reality that causes her to occasionally wet her pillow with tears, this touching novel has all the makings of a spell-binding movie script in terms of the drama as well as the twists and turns that it contains.
In a manner that is not typical of an autobiography, the author exposes herself completely to her readers. The author’s life is opened up to the reader in great detail throughout the book, and the book reveals the positives, negatives, and downright unpleasant aspects not just of the author’s life, but also of the fantasy world of celebrities.
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