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Your punches are medically weak – Eno Barony jabs Medikal in diss track to Sista Afia

Eno Barony Rap Goddess prod By Hype Lyri
Written by Kwame Anane
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Eno Barony Rap Goddess prod By Hype Lyri

Did Eno Barony just kill two birds with one stone? She replied Sista’s Afia’s diss song to her with a new track and we can confirm that her some of her shots have hit Medikal in his heart.

In the ongoing beef between Sista Afia, Eno Barony and Freda Rhymz, the King of Queens rapper dropped a new joint titled ‘Argument Done’ to reply Queen Solomon’s ‘You Got Nerve’ diss track which fans believed that Medikal wrote for her.

Believing in the same school of thought, Eno on her new track said “hold your gun, it’s your Sowutuom ghostwriter that I want, so give him the filla, your writer’s lyrics are whack” and further went to warn the “Omo Ada” rapper not to try her. “Your punches medically weak, don’t try me, I am strong men!,” she rapped.

The song has immediately caught fire on social media with fans hailing her lyrical whilst drawing Medikal’s attention to come and reply Barony’s punchlines. See what tweeps are saying and listen to the song in the video below.


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Kwame Anane

Hi, I'm Kwame Anane, a professional blogger, web and app developer, and overall I.T enthusiast. My passion for creating high-quality content means I take pleasure in providing you with an enriching experience. If you find my content valuable, please consider sharing it with your friends to spread positive vibes. Thank you for your continued support.