Sarkodie ft Ebony – Odo, Following the release of the music video for his song “Legend“, lifted from his forthcoming project, “Alpha” EP.
Ghanaian heavyweight rapper, Sarkodie features the deceased Dance Hall queen, EBONY on this record titled “Odo“, produced by NOVA.
The new project, ‘Alpha’ EP houses 6-tracks with guest appearances from Joey B and the late EBONY of blessed memory.
- Sarkodie – GreatNess (Prod. by Fortune Dane) DOWNLOAD
- Sarkodie – Angels And Demons (Prod. by Atown TSB) DOWNLOAD
- Sarkodie – Bleeding (Prod. by Atown TSB) DOWNLOAD
- Sarkodie – Legend ft. Joey B ( Nova) DOWNLOAD
- Sarkodie – Vintage Flow (Prod. By Console Chronikz) DOWNLOAD
- Sarkodie – Odo ft. Ebony (Prod. by Nova) DOWNLOAD
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