HipLife had some fixing to do few years ago, but was ignored and now its almost invisible… I was listening to this song which I believe is from Obour’s “Fontomfrom” album, titled “The Game” featuring Okyeame Kwame and Richie.
This song addressed very vital issues in the HipLife scene and I think if more attention was paid to these issues, HipLife may have a very strong stand than it has now. I was quite young when this song was released; so I did not pay more attention to the lyrics and what it meant.
But as time went on and I got to understand how HipLife was not supported by most artists and other big names in the industry, I got more insight about the inside issue more than a song that we simply danced to at parties and other fun events. Songs like this needs a calm environment and deep thinking. They saw it happening but were they able to save HipLife? Lets go back into time Is throwBack!
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Obour – Killing The Game (Ft. Richie & Okyeame Kwame) [DOWNLOAD]
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