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iOna Reine is ungrateful – Heartman

iOna Reine is ungrateful – Heartman
Written by Kwame Anane
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iOna Reine is ungrateful – Heartman
Ghanaian musician Heartman has briefly opened up on the situation that led to the breakup between his label boss, Mzbel & her then god-daughter iOna Reine.

During his brief comment with when asked about what transpired between Mzbel & iOna Reine, Heartman said that the issue is in the past which he wouldn’t want to be involved in.

But he stressed that he knows for sure there was some sort of ungratefulness somewhere from one side regardless.

Heartman further explained that one party showed signs of ungratefulness which led to a big miss of an opportunity which could’ve gone a long way to do good.

He added that he was there before iOna Reine came into the picture, but was calm & collected since she already had her career moving, therefore was only right she got the help first before him. But unfortunately as things were moving on well the situation took a different turn at a point.

iOna & Mzbel fell off months ago after Mzbel was seen without her which was rare.

Later, iOna was seen in the company of Mzbel’s nemesis, Afia Schwarzenegger in her house partying.

This comment from Heartman has however received some mixed reactions from fans of the budding artiste about tagging iOna Reine as being ungrateful.

Meanwhile, Heartman recently released his second single under Beljams records tagged “Clearing Agent” which is so far receiving massive airplay across the country.

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Kwame Anane

Hi, I'm Kwame Anane, a professional blogger, web and app developer, and overall I.T enthusiast. My passion for creating high-quality content means I take pleasure in providing you with an enriching experience. If you find my content valuable, please consider sharing it with your friends to spread positive vibes. Thank you for your continued support.