Greetings from the office of HitzGh Media to you our loyal Visitor, We thank you for choosing our website for your source of music and for which we much appreciate.
For some time now you will have noticed that anytime you open any webpage on our website you will either hear music playing or talking going on from our site, if it is annoying we are deeply sorry for causing you any inconveniences.
The reason behind this background audio is because we were testing our online radio and we wanted you our loyal visitor to have a feel of the Good things we have for you. The name of this our Online radio is called “HitzGh Radio” and our slogan is “The station for the Known, Upcoming & All”. From our slogan you will vividly know our aim. We are here to help promote every Artiste in the world, either a From a Superstar to Underground Artiste even if you started music today. Sounds great right?
You can listen to our Live Stream from This website or from the radio official site You can also download our app from Google play store for android devices using this link >> DOWNLOAD FROM PLAYSTORE<< or from APPLE STORE . The most interesting part is; when you are in Ghana and you are using MTN Internet, it is FREE STREAMING!!(NO INTERNET DATA CHARGES). However when using other networks, normal data charges will apply. Click on the image below to download from Google Playstore.
What basically offer:
- Promotion
- interviews
- advertisement
- and more..
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