Fresh Prince of 4×4 is out with a new music he calls ‘Lie Lie’ produced by the fast-rising producer; M.O.G. Beatz (The producer of Sarkodie’s hit single, RNS). Fresh Prince is known for his smooth voice and something the women always go crazy about. This new music takes us on another melodious tour!
The song ‘Lie Lie’ talks about a woman who keeps telling lies in a relationship. The biggest hitch in a relationship is when one party is unfaithful and keeps telling to protect their actions. A relationship full of lies and cheating is something both parties wouldn’t want. Great song but very emotional if you have been on that road. Download free music below and share…
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Fresh Prince (4×4) – Lie Lie (Prod. by M.O.G. Beatz) [DOWNLOAD]
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