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Criss Waddle’s “suicidal” girl speaks after failed suicide attempt; find out her first words

Written by Kwame Anane
You Are Here » Home » Top Picks» Criss Waddle’s “suicidal” girl speaks after failed suicide attempt; find out her first words

img-20160905-wa0015The 18-year lady purported to have fallen in love with Rapper Criss Waddle and later attempted suicide after being jilted, has confessed that she still loves the ‘Bia gya man’.

‘Yeah I love him with all my heart, I really love him, if he doesn’t love me am ok, but I want him to know that I was having a pure heart for him, I know now he is having a serious girlfriend so I will back off,’ she explained.

She indicated that she will not blame Criss Waddle for her broken heart, saying the former listened to hear-say thus ending their love affair.

‘It’s all my fault because he was hearing a whole lot of things about me, all lies about me so I don’t blame him, but I am not a bad girl though, moreover I have so many enemies who don’t like me and everybody must know if you are going up, people will let you down, so I don’t know why he was believing what people were saying,’ she cried.

The Lady who claims she is a resident of Ayeduase a suburb of the Kumasi Metropolis, indicates that she met the musician on Instagram and both became friends.

Criss Waddle contrary to the latter’s claim she only pestered him for pictures.

But speaking on Ultimate FM’s Drive hosted by Foster Aggor, Mary said ‘seriously I don’t know what to say is he only knows why he is saying that, I don’t care about whatever he says, I don’t care, he called me asking why I did that, that’s all, he was busy so he hanged up, he can do whatever he likes only God knows’.

The victim discounted claims that her family has rejected her, saying she is now lodging in a hotel with her two friends who assisted her when the incident happened.

‘Because of what happened, my sister had a quarrel with me, hence the need to move from the house that is why I am not home now. My friends took care of me and am very grateful to them,’ she expressed appreciation.
She apologised to the public for her actions, pleading with the public to desist from sending her family condolence messages on social media.

‘Yeah I am ok everything is fine, yeah am very worried that people who thought I am dead are sending condolences to my family, I want to tell everyone that I am alive and I feel sorry for everything. I want people to stop thinking I am dead, I am alive, I was so stupid I thought I will not get him again, I did that because people were insulting me on social media,’ she disclosed.


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Kwame Anane

Hi, I'm Kwame Anane, a professional blogger, web and app developer, and overall I.T enthusiast. My passion for creating high-quality content means I take pleasure in providing you with an enriching experience. If you find my content valuable, please consider sharing it with your friends to spread positive vibes. Thank you for your continued support.